Sunday 1 June 2014


1.     This is an endurance road bike cycling event to promote awareness among road users about the safety and respecting each other.  If you want to be respected on the road, first we have to respect others.

2.     It is open to all Malaysian or other nationality and we encourage for those with the MNCF Cycling For All License. 

3.     Participants must use only road bikes and it is a compulsory to wear a helmet.

4.     Those who are riding with a club or a team please register using the team form.

5.     There will be 5 categories: Junior under 18, Women Open, Master Men (36 and to 45), Senior Master Men (46 and above), Open Men (35 and below).

6.     Each rider needs to complete 160km in distance within 8 hours.  Riders will be offered to get into the broom lorry if they have reached the cut off time.  If they want to continue riding the organizer will not provide escort and be held responsible if anything happen to the rider.

7.     Only riders who completed the ride within 8 hours will be given the finisher medal upon reaching the finish gantry and a certificate.

8.     Top five riders will be awarded a winner trophy according to each category. Any team with riders in all five categories will have the opportunity to win the Best Overall Team Trophy base on their overall time accordingly.

9.     The organizer will provide water & food to all riders at the water stations. At each water station riders is advice to take at least one bottle water only and to stop at the water station if you need to take the water or food.


  1. Why this year no jersey provided?

  2. We had bad experience with previous events not many riders did not get the correct size, so we decided to give our Polo T-Shirt instead. We hope that participants don't mind, and we believe that is more practical to wear a Polo T-shirt.

  3. Serikkkkk nk join coz Organiser yg sama dgn Saer...hmmmmmmmmm.Sorry to say.

  4. Serikkkkk nk join coz Organiser yg sama dgn Saer...hmmmmmmmmm.Sorry to say.

  5. As Salam pokwe, memang kami akui ada kelemahan ketika penganjuran SAER. Jika tidak keberatan mohon tuan berkongsi apakah kesukaran yang dihadapi semoga dapat kami perbaiki kelemahan ini.

  6. KCR boleh proper provide jersey...yuran sama jer...xkan TCR xboleh nice management bro..

    1. Insyallah, will work some thing out. Last year experience we need to invest more on marshaling and road safety.

  7. Agree with u bro..jersey will attract more people to join..

  8. My 1st Century ride last year. It started well, but marshaling deteriorated for those who were not in the sub-5 hours. I did 5 hrs 15 mins and struggled looking for marshals for directions. Vast majority are not from KT, remember that. Coming into KT at peak hour and no police traffic in sight. Every man for himself by this time.
    I also saw many many cheaters, whether being pushed by motorbikes or getting private vehicles to drive them forward by miles and simply rejoining the race. I know it's not actually a 'professional' event, but it's quite sickening and frustrating nontheless.
    As in KCR last week, I think you should have a separate category for those who are above 50.

    1. Thank you for the comment, we know about the traffic problem. This year we have change the ride on a holiday, we are getting more dedicated marshals to assist. About these cheating riders we have no control, it happens in all the rides, is up to the rider whether he want to be truthful to himself or not. Regarding the age 50 above we are still compiling the registration, we might ad another category.

    2. It will attract more participants if you announce the separate category for those who are above 50 now.

  9. Replies
    1. We will up load end of the month. We need to do our final recce and clearance with related authorities.

  10. how tp register in group?currently only available individual registration.tq

    1. kindly email to, we will send you the form

  11. I need to book the hotel nearer to the flag off point. Please share the flag off point asap. Hotel will be full due to school holiday season. Thanks

    1. Hello Liew, hope you have got the respond from our official hotel. If you need any more info kindly email to

  12. Saer ok what.. saya pon putus dari peloton jugak.. mmg tak nafi marshal tak cukup.. tapi selaku pengayuh kita kene ikut la undang2 jln raya.. saya berhenti kat traffic light.. no problem lor.. saya bukan nak cakap pandai tapi dah byk century ride saya masuk.. but saer is not bad organiser.. 1st edition tcr saya masuk.. terbaik tu walaupun putus 1/2 jam dari main peloton.. 2nd saya tak dpt join.. tapi dari kawan2 lain yg masuk ok katanya.. yg ke3 nie insyaAllah saya join.. kipidap guys!!!

  13. Tahniah di atas penganjuran SAER..cuma ada beberapa perkara yg boleh ditambahbaik utk TCR.
    1) Flag off lambat 1/2 jam lebih akibat VIP/org politik lambat sampai.
    2) Timing berterabur walaupun guna timing chip.Timing amat penting bagi sesetengah rider utk melihat sejauh mana tahap kemampuan diri sendiri. Dalam fb SAER ckp nk perbetulkan..( janji tinggal janji)
    3) Tukar polo shirt dgn jersi sesuai dgn kadar yuran penyertaan.
    4) Sediakan minuman isotonik di sebahagian WS utk mengelakkan dehydration. (Contoh WS utk JMFR).

    1. rider tegar,

      terima kasih atas komen tuan.

      1) kami faham sangat masalah masa, insyallah TCR kami akan buat pelepasan jam 7.30 pagi (walaupun VIP sampai lambat)
      2. kami akan menggunakan khidmat Dirttraction (dah 2 siri TCR kami buat tiada masalah) SAER kami akui satu percubaan yang tidak menjadi.
      3. Kami sedang berusaha memastikan kos teknikal dan sokongan acara tercapai (kos agak tinggi). Keselamatan dan kepuasan rider kami utamakan.
      4. Insyallah siri TCR sebelum ini kami menyediakan minuman isotonik. Cuma kami cuba mendapatkan tambahan penajaan kerana pengalaman dulu bekalan yang kami dapat tidak mencukupi. (mungkin kena tambah kos disini).

      Harapan kami untuk menganjurkan acara kali ini lebih baik. Komen seperti tuan banyak membantu kami untuk memperbaiki kelemahan yang lalu. Terima kasih sekali lagi.

  14. so only Road Bike, TT bike cannot?
